Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Weekend in Italy

I leave tomorrow a.m. for my big trip over to worlds. I decided to do it old school and run the late arrival plan so my body doesnt know what hit it with the time change and all. I always seem to do the best in the first races I hit after a big travel, so it should work out well for me. Got some good training last weekend at the Pescadero road race and have been resting up this week getting ready to go tear some legs of at worlds I hope. Then back monday and up to BC for the BC bike race. That is going to be sweet! I can hardly wait. Wish me luck on my whirl wind worlds tour.



Anonymous said...

have a killer trip! we know you will do great over there.

erikv said...

Good luck. Don't let anyone shorter than you beat you. Maybe wear your golden speedo under the USA kit.