Friday, March 23, 2007


So I finally switched my account to google, I guess it forced my hand a bit.. Anyways, NZ was kicking. Did tons of chillin by the lake, riding MTB on sweet new trails, over night kayak trips on the ocean, surfing the worlds longest left hand break in Raglan (its in "Endless Summer" BTW) and having a generally excellent time. We have been back for about a month now, getting back into the groove of things. The riding is going well. It is my second season doing base in the Cruz and man what a treat! 70 degrees and sunny everydaay beats 50 and raining at any time. Sorry to all you Oregonians, but I did my time up there! Next week I am headed to Pheonix for the first Norba. I cant believe the race season is up and running already. I went and watched the Sierra Road stage at the TOC and boy did I feel sorry for those guys. Especially Powers after riding cross in Belgie with us he was out killing it up the climb. SOme guys are just gluttons for punishment! Speaking of, The Tonkin did a 24 hr race the week after returning form Belgie, that guy just loves to ride his bike! Me and the lady have just been chillin in the cruz, her doing her thing to save the world and me being a lazy bike bum. Life is sweet! I will try and update the blog now some times and keep you all up on what is happening in this world. Untill then, I need to go work on my tan cause I am worried I might get torched down in the desert next week!

1 comment:

gewilli said...

when ya finally start racing again...

Don't forget to turn the suck knob down!
